If you want to enjoy the waters in Dandeli at peace while you can also laze around and get a closer view of water life, go for the coracle ride. Coracles are small round boats that are made of bamboo and have a waterproof layer on the outside. They are ideal for water travelling and can accommodate 3-5 people.
They were earlier used by the local fishing people but because of their simplicity and raw beauty, tourists got attracted to them, and soon these boats became local celebrities. The boat trip is of about 2 hours and starts at 9 in the morning till 6 in the evening. A local guide accompanies you all along.
Coracle riding in Dandeli is a very peaceful, soothing and calming activity where you just relax in the boat and absorb the beauty and grandeur of the nature surrounding you. If you are lucky, you might spot a crocodile or two floating lazily in the water. You also get to see various other water animals and birds like great Indian hornbills, etc. This activity is neither, thrilling nor challenging; on the contrary, it gives you time to appreciate the tranquillity of your surrounding and to rejuvenate your mind and soul